First Clue….the Hardrock

I should back up

I was really looking forward to 4th of July this year because for the first time In 6 years, I was invited to a party. Not only a party but a work party where lots of the people i see at work would be. Usually this does nothing for me and I avoid parties like this at all costs, but this year i was desperate and my “Valet-friend” w0uld be in San Diego all weekend, and I had really wanted to make friends in Vegas since I had yet to allow myself to go out and actually experience any of what the Bright Strip had to offer.

Of course some nights when i got lucky and my hotel room came with a strip view i would peer out as the sun set and watch as the lights lit the ground like different colored sparks from a flame smelling of Sin, Youth and Fun. But the thought of losing out on a thousand dollars quickly had me jumping in the shower (Thank God) and getting ready for work.

Saturday Night July 3rd.

“Id love to hang out with you Kasey, But because I had to close all my accounts due to identity theft, Its crucial I make some cash because I can’t get into my accounts until I get new cards sent”

“Babe, don’t worry about it, Ill take care of you”

I really didn’t remember too much about him accept that I thought he was an arrogant prick as he walked out the back of the Rhino the night before.

“The Limo Better be ready, we just spent $12k dollars at this place!” he annoyingly reminded everyone listening.

I’ve been here when guys spent more, you’re not the first and not the last to drop over 10k at a strip club, I thought, but was appreciative of my $1200.00 and walked out

“Come meet me and my friends at the Hard Rock

Hour later I showed up dressed to impress (Kasey had asked me to wear something hot, and I don’t like to disappoint), I knew I had done well with my outfit from the looks on everyone’s’ faces, especially the women.

I hate going out with women when they know I was hired from a strip club or came with a man who was at the club the night before, cause it makes me  feel like the “hired help” for the night and even though i technically was, my sense of entitlement would not allow me to think i was only there to look pretty, cause this was Vegas and girls like me are a dime a dozen and as advertised from the flyers given on every corner, a lot cheaper!

So I sat… and Sat …. and sat some more looking incredibly hot in my brown skin tight dress that showed the outline to my nipples without showing much more, leaving enough for every man (At least about ten of the guys standing in our “circle” ) to imagine what was under. Well, that was every man but Kasey? Kasey was busy talking about the meeting he woke up late for and had to brilliantly stall by asking to meet at the clients hotel. You could tell by the way Kasey told stories that he loved being the center of attention and everyone liked hearing Kasey exaggerate and build up the stories, even though they all were there to see it, to give them something to laugh at. He did have a way of talking and speaking that drew you in and kept you there.

After hearing about his decided upon outfit of board shorts and sandals to his big meeting while his colleagues dressed in nicely fitted suits… I took a second to look around. What was the matter with this picture? All of the men that surrounded him seemed very well-groomed and tailored and Ill just say it…. HOTT! But I was doing my best to remember what Kasey and I had talked about the night before in the VIP and i was pretty sure he said he was 33. That can’t be right I thought? He looked so much older?  I don’t know if it was the look of too much beer and cigarettes, lack of sleep or the disgusting Tommy Bahama shirt he chose for the night that had me partially feeling sorry for him and partially hoping his friends were single. I had asked his friend Brett, who had piercing blue eyes, groomed silver hair, and a nice tailored shirt if Kasey was 33? He advised me he was and that he was the youngest of the crowed and that they had all tried to get him to wear something different but had no such luck.

I felt better knowing he didn’t have loser friends who wouldn’t tell this guy that Tommy is saved for the Bahamas….lol not the desert in VEGAS… but hey, who am I to say something when Im just the “hired help”..

I couldnt take it anymore as I pretended to be interested in the same story, told over again in different exaggerated ways, and quickly decided to take matters into my own hands. I remembered thinking He looked so sexy in the VIP the other night, when he started dancing as the DJ played some Snoop Dogg and Warren G. He had that pinch of flavor that most “white boys” bought baggy pants for, but it came naturally to Kasey and that’s when I took over

“Come on babe, you said we were going dancing the other night and promised me you would take me tonight. Work ended and you really don’t need to tell these guys what happened since they were right there next to you, you really need to have some fun and live a little this weekend”

Everyone in the group stopped and I remember thinking I really had fucked this one up, but instantly I saw what looked like 1/2 cracked smiles on everyone’s faces and as I called the Limo driver I had met only 10 min prior at a red light, when he saw me in his side mirror and couldn’t help but get out of the limo he was driving and into the street to tell me how beautiful i was while handing me a card, I thought…..Lord, everything happens for a reason, please allow me to know that reason or be that reason tonight. Keep me safe and secure and make right choices. Also Lord, I know I don’t deserve it and ask you for lots without giving a lot, but let my husband feel loved tonight as he sleeps and allow this man I’m with the ability to have a good time and make good choices..

I didn’t do stuff like this ever and felt the need to pray. Amen

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One response to “First Clue….the Hardrock

  • Rossana Wells

    This a truly great post and may be one that ought to be followed up to see how things go

    A pal mailed this link the other day and I will be desperately awaiting your next write-up. Continue on the perfect work.

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