Struggling for “happiness”?

Mr. Nothing’s got a lot
He’s got a lot to say
He’s good at being what he’s not
Gives nothing away
Another day goes on by
And he never speaks his heart
He takes his chance with what he’s got
It’s too late now to stop

You push and you pull and struggle with the knot
It’s tying you up while you’re fadin’
You give and you take and take what you got
Round and round ’till it breaks and
You push and you pull and struggle with the knot
It’s tying you up while you’re fadin’ into your lie

Mr. Nothing is late
He’s running out of time
He questions whether chance or fate will ever show a sign
Looks to the sky above
For a glimpse of what it means
And never never never make
Make no sense to him

You push and you pull and struggle with the knot
It’s tying you up while you’re fadin’
You give and you take and take what you got
Round and round ’till it breaks and
You push and you pull and struggle with the knot
It’s tying you up while you’re fadin’ into your lie

You push and you pull it

Why do you do this to me Kasey? You know I’m weak, Is that it? You play with me cause its funny to you, you know I’m an addict, addicted to all things, including men that don’t deserve my love. Stop it please!!! If you have a heart, stop playing with my emotions. If you want to be friends then BE MY FRIEND, DON’T half ass it though. I don’t need a half good friend. I need a good friend who can give me good companionship. If your INTERESTED in me then show it by being a MAN and following your WORD. I don’t need to be lying awake right now wondering what the hell happened to you after you asked me to get ready and come over and then you don’t answer your phone after i took the time to get ready. You are a great, awesomely funny person and you have that “something” that I’m sure I’m not the only one attracted to “it”. BUT your a son of a &^%c^ if you manipulate people and use people with “it” for only YOUR own gain, always ending up on top and everyone else below and sorry for themselves cause they allowed you to. I refuse to be that to TWO men at once. I’m divorcing a man like that and I should have known to be weary of you since i tend to attract ASSHOLES. But i thought i was better/smarter than that and I thought you were too. Please prove me wrong and figure your shit out, if not for my sake then for your own.

PS. don’t give me the excuse you fell asleep and didn’t hear your phone cause we talked about that before we hung up and you said you wouldn’t let that happen and I’m tired of your excuses.. your full of them. If that’s what happened, CALL and say it and apologize and don’t make me feel bad for being disappointed or upset at the situation cause that’s what you do to people when you don’t follow through. Not my fault-

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