Tag Archives: BOY

XS or Exit?

As half of the party left I couldnt help but feel a little more comfortable and a little more aware of the “Kasey” I talked to the night before. 6 Jumped into the over sized hummer limo and as the driver looked at me with a smile, we hugged just long enough for me to let him know,

“Thank you so much, You just saved my ass!”

He smiled back at me and helped me in the back.

“Where to?” the Limo driver asked…. “XS!!!!” we all shouted at once and as the engine turned on the bass of Rhianna’s RUDE BOY mix, it was just the antidote I needed to make me feel “at home”, and with that the 6 of us let lose with cracked cans of beer and cameras being brought out of pockets to aim at Kasey and I who have lost ourselves in the melodies. In between the flashes of digital cameras, PDA phones, and my ass pressed up against his inner thighs I saw the look again….and it quickly reminded me of everything we had talked about the night before… as if I had gained consciousness I realized what I was supposed to do and took a mental sticky of my goal for the night…..

Show Kasey, he’s not the only one who craves for something more significant, more meaningful, less lonely. I wanted him to know I saw him, the real him and I felt for him because I too was like him. Lonely…..

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