Tag Archives: Mail

I dont want to come back down from this Cloud

from chem2judy@verizon.net
to channelno.5@gmail.com
date Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 5:47 PM
subject from gma
mailed-by verizon.net
My darling grandaughter,
Irresponsible is not the word I would use to describe your current behavior.
Everyone, yes, everyone goes through periods in their life when it feels as though nothing is going right and that life in general has just smacked you in the face. Yes, you do have decisions to make and it would be good for you to start taking stock  and making a few. Partying at 5 star hotels with people you barely know, for days on end, is more than irresponsible, it’s dangerous. In more ways than one. You are deliberately making poor choices, and as an adult, you need to accept responsibility for this and not pass the blame on to a failed marriage, a bad childhood or anything else. Drugs, partying, other men, it doesn’t matter, you need to wake up and deal with you. Ask yourself what you need to do in order to tie up loose ends in your real world and get back on track with the rest of your life.. Call your counselor, contact Tim in a civil and adult manner to see what needs to be done in order for you both to move on. Go back to work, if you still have a job. (I had no idea that Miller Lite girls danced on table tops in VIP rooms)
I would suggest you start by sending a text back to Tim. Start by thanking him him for letting you know he has filed and for asking you about the scrapbooks. Explain that you havn’t contacted him because you realized that you both needed some space and time away. Tell him your sorry things didn’t work out and wish him well.  Don’t become a drama queen. If you want the scrapbooks, we will keep them for you, until later on when you decide what you want to do with them. Give him your PO box and ask him to mail them and let you know how much the postage will be. You can mail him a money order. If you will behave in an adult manner with this, on down the road, you will be able to be friends.
Thank your friend for all the good times and leave while your still friends so that if later, you want to go back, you will be comfortable contacting him. If you wait until he’s tired of you, you won’t have that option.
Come home, clean up, then you can take your gma to lunch at the beach  for her belated birthday gift. I don’t want to to go out to eat with you until you are off your drugs. It’s painful for me to see you like that.
I was taught that you “don’t air your dirty linen in public”. I believe that. You need to to take all that personal stuff off of your blog, facebook, whatever. That is not for the world to see. That is for you, your counselor and 30 years from now a book if you write it. But not now should it be out for public display. That is drama queen. jerry springer, trailer trash,, pick your own name. Again. BE A CLASS ACT.
I love you and listen to what I’m telling you,
from chem2judy@verizon.net

to      channelno.5@gmail.com

I guess I really rambled-lol
bottom line-you do need at home time, away from where your at, to get a perspective on where you are and where your headed. You do need to keep your job. It’s very important to have some financial independence. Remember how you have felt regarding Tim and his lack of financial contribution. In today’s world, a woman who is willing to work and can take care of herself is an asset in a relationship.
Next-ask yourself if you were to suddenly find out he (Kasey) no longer had any money if you would still want to see him and then use your answer to decide what type of a relationship you have now or would have a month or 6 months on down the road.
He entertains these people as part of his business and is probably already thinking what his next business moves will be in order to stay financially solvent and get ahead in the magazine business which is risky.
Be honest with yourself and with him.


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