Tag Archives: Nevada

Back to our Roots

Next day after spending time with Kasey in LA, he needed to be in Las Vegas for Chris’s Girlfriends birthday party. I was a little hurt he knew i was leaving for Vegas that night as well and didnt ask me if I wanted to go with him and didnt want to drive with me. So I drove him to the air port and drove back to Newport beach where i live.

On my way up to Vegas I texted Kasey to see if he was planning on staying with me or if he had a hotel room. It was frustrating to get only sporadic texts from the guy and when he answered my texts, he never answered any of my questions. I was starting to really despise the guy, considering the promise he had made to pay my therapist was still not taken care of and he couldnt just call me to talk to me when im driving on the 15 freeway in the middle of the dark during a lightning storm. I realized like previously noticing, Kasey wasnt going to answer my texts regarding the hotel and I would need to book one of my own, so i did. I also told myself to give up on the Mother F^*$@r cause he was LAME and inconsistent and if he decides to hang out, cool, if not, i wasnt going to cry over the guy cause i was in Vegas and truth be told, I hadnt seen my Valet in a while and always knew i could call his fine ass up. Of course in Vegas, it was as much my territory as it was his and I had work to go to and things i needed to get done anyway.

One day turned to two and two into three and finally I received a text from Kasey that he wanted me to meet him at the bar Money Plays because he was speaking with a publisher in Vegas who liked some of my ideas regarding my “Strip club dos and donts” that I had previously shared with Kasey. So I jumped up and got dressed and meet him at the bar.

Publisher he was speaking of was none other than ANTHONY CURTIS. For those not familiar, he is the publisher of the Las Vegas Advisor, as well as a lot of other things and recently just published a couple of books regarding Strip Clubs in Las Vegas. He handed me the “manual” & asked my opinion of the facts that were printed and wanted to hear some of my ideas. I couldnt believe Kasey! What was he thinking? You dont give a girl a chance like this without warning her and at least giving her some time to think of what she wanted to say and how to say it. Also being the un-trusting business minded woman i was, i wasnt comfortable just telling anyone about my ideas so they could be published behind my back without any recognition.. Did he think i was stupid? So here I am at a bar pulling out my laptop and trying to share some of my thoughts without telling them everything, all the while trying to give them enough to be interested And not make Kasey look like a fool for having them take the time to hear me out. This was not an easy task and after they had left, i let out a sigh of relief.

It was nice to see Kasey at a familiar spot and it was like Deja Vu being back at our roots. We ate and Kasey let me know he was busy but would call me later…I had heard that before and wasnt going to hold my breath, so i decided I was going to go to Liquid to meet with Lauren (a girl we originally met at the Gold Lounge in Aria). I had saved a couple of keys from the time we were together and I was smart enough to save the tower suite key in case of emergencies. So i stayed at liquid and was enjoying myself but wishing I had company when I noticed a group of men in the pool couldnt stop staring at me.

I was bored and had nothing to lose so i walked up to them and started the conversation

“Hi Guys, I see you staring but no one is introducing themselves so i thought id come over and say Hi, My name is Chanel

They chuckled and looked a little embarrassed but they helped me pass the time before i needed to go to work and with that, i tipped Lauren for all the free drinks and went back to Gold Coast to get ready for work. Ive been staying at Gold Coast for a while since I get rooms starting at 23 dollars a night and know the cute bartenders at TGIF. They hook me up with food and the valet always keep my car parked out front. It’s like a second home to me and it’s always nice to pull up to familiar faces. I was almost about to pull up to my hotel when Kasey decides to call and asks me to stop by his work. When i get there Anthony, Kasey and Silverfox are all enjoying some time discussing their business adventures and im a little embarrassed that once again Kasey does not tell me that Anthony will be there and I show up in my bikini and a pair of jeans. Yes, i am a dancer but I do not live the lifestyle and I know when to be a professional and this was the second time I felt like Kasey obviously didnt see that quality in me and chose to put me out there like nothing other than a stripper.

So im walking around Anthony’s office in a bikini and trying to hang out and understand what it is I am supposed to be doing when the beer finally runs out. This gave Kasey and Silverfox no other reason to stay and with that, Kasey’s bags go from Brett’s vehicle to the back of my car and over to the Gold Coast. We Settle in the room when he tells me that he wants to take me on a date and tells me that he will not call anyone else to meet up with us???????

WTF? I wanted to feel his forehead to make sure he didnt have a fever and then i wanted to feel my own to make sure i wasnt tripping cause everything was too perfect and as we decided to stay somewhat casual in blue jeans and nice shirts we escorted each other down the elevator and over to CORTEZ.

Kasey had been talking all night about how great their prime rib was and that it was a less expensive meal without downgrading the food. So we walked over to Cortez, when his mother calls. Now the relationship between him and his family our somewhat still a mystery to me cause frankly, the kid has problems and we are all a product of our environments so obviously whether or not his family was well off, in my opinion they must have had “problems”.  I didnt mind though cause my family was a work of “Art” and if i were to pick the painter it would defiantly be some sort of Picasso where you have no idea what the fuck the painting is trying to say or what exactly it is but somehow, someway you cant stop staring at it and cant decide if you like it or not. So i was no one to judge and I was about to keep myself company and pull out my own phone when i over here Kasey tell his mother he has to go because he’s on a date and cant talk now???????

WHOO, stop there!!! What did he just say to his mother???? A DATE? I mean its one thing for me to ask to go on a date with him and him oblige but it’s another to tell your mother your on a date unless, your really on a date, unless it was a good excuse to get your mother off the phone, but then would have to explain later when she asks about the date that it was really a way to hang up on her… Either way, I’m a love addict, remember? So I always make up shit in my head that usually sides with what i want to hear and I decided we were on a date.

Man, i wish i had secretly recorded the dinner we had. It was fucking AMAZING!!  I had a fucking blast just hearing Kasey talk about his family while doing impersonations of each one and telling personal details of his childhood mistakes and rebel ways. I mean really, this was exactly what i had wanted from him and I was sooo thrilled to be finally getting it. The food was terrific by the way and I think even with Kasey laughing at the prices for their most expensive bottle of wine, we both knew we were most comfortable in this type of setting. Relaxed, away from crowds, away from having to be the center of attention and away from having to pretend to be what we always had to be while working, “The Shit”. Nope, it was just him and I, blue jeans and shirt, prime rib, bread bowl and nice a bottle of red wine, I wouldnt have asked for it any other way. After we shared many laughs and exchanged some family stories we headed out. I was finishing a conversation regarding my work at the Rhino and explaining how it affected my husband…

“So, like I said, he could have asked me to quit anytime and thats all it would have taken for me to go out and get a different job, but he wouldnt because he was too spoiled living off of my money”

“So you’re saying you would have quit if he asked you?”

“Of course I would have.. he’s my husband”

then out of the blue ….

“Would you quit for me?”

WOooW…??!!! Huh.. did i just hear that…? (For the second time of the night) and I grab Kasey’s hand and stop dead in my tracks and turn him towards me so he is looking at me in my eyes

“Kasey look at me….If you want to make a commitment, i would quit if you asked”


“Yes, really”

He looks at me for a second in my eyes and I get scared all the sudden. Maybe I was afraid of the answer, cause I would have been heart broken if he would have told me NO, and I wasnt sure if I was ready to give up my job to a man I felt I barely knew. Whatever it was i felt the situation needed some type of comic relief..

“So, you think about that one and you can get back to me…”

We both smile at one another and answers back


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