Tag Archives: Seattle

All Signs point to “RUN”

I cant help but wonder and try to put the pieces of puzzle together. I havent told him yet, but did complete a back round check on him when my therapist said she had not gotten paid. For the sake of some stuff being private I cant say what i found but will allow you to see the questions that have risen in my head

He rarely calls me and usually speaks to me through texts

Maybe his wife or girlfriend are around. Or he just doesn’t care enough

I rarely get a text during the day or a call during the day

He probably waits for her to fall asleep

He doesn’t have a place he calls “Home” and flies from state to state

He doesnt want me to know where he lives

He doesnt want to fuck me in the Pussy and prefers my Ass

He’s afraid of getting me pregnant

because he’s with someone or because he’s afraid I will take half of everything or file child support

Claims to have money but doesnt pay me 0r my therapist back

Cant pay with Credit card because

wife may get statements or because he’s secretly broke

Has never introduced me to any female friends

Because they all know his girl

Doesnt friend me on Facebook

Cause then our pictures could be tagged together

Cant have a serious conversation over the phone

Cant handle lying over phone and is easier thru text or doesnt know how to handle his emotions

Says hes going to take care of his Mother in Seattle but sounds wasted most nights and stays up til 4am

What 60 year old stays up until 4am? And what son literally wants to watch tv shows with his mom instead of having phone sex?k

An artist's rendering of phone sex.

Image via Wikipedia

Hasnt done anything “romantic” for me or even given me a real planned out date with just him and I

Doesnt want me to get the wrong message?

Only talks dirty to me when im away but doesnt even touch me when together

I have no clue to this one unless he’s secretly GAY?

Hides text messages from me when i ask to look

Doesnt want me to know how he really feels about me or let me in to his life and things he is hidding

The list can go on and on…. I hate thinking that this guy is totally hustling me. I dont want to believe it because up until he borrowed a couple grand from me, he didnt ask me for anything? Not sex, not companionship, not money, not drugs, NOTHING? He only asked me to quit smoking Meth and to look hot and be ready when he needed. Was he keeping me around as a trophy on his arm? Something nice to look at that all the guys around him wanted but he had? Girls like me are a dime a dozen and it just wasnt/isnt adding up…. I wished if he was in a relationship that he would tell me so at least I couldĀ  be more understanding when he didnt call or wasnt able to do what he said he would. But maybe he too was a coward? Maybe he just really really really sucks at being involved with someone and needs to learn what it means to be in a relationship? Maybe I was just over analyzing and needed to stop caring and have fun with it…?

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