Tag Archives: the jet

In line behind the Blackberry

Written 6th July 2010

I don’t know how to explain how completely annoying Kasey’s blackberry is when your trying to sleep and as soon as the rooster crows, there goes Kasey’s phone… Buzzz, buzzzz, buzzz buzz  zz buz

I woke up finally, and don’t know what i was thinking when i found myself awakening in the same position i feel asleep in, across his chest and feeling more secure and less alone for once in a long time. Then out of the blue,  OMG! I just remembered i was supposed to have checked out of my room and it was already 3pm in the afternoon. Kasey told me to calm down and ask them to extend the room.

Was he planning on paying for this mistake? I was too afraid to ask and showed back to my room with a nice 100 dollar charge for a night I would not be enjoying because Kasey had asked me to grab my stuff and help him occupy the room at ARIA and like that, i didnt even second guess it, i was back

I showed up and met him at the “Piano Bar” underneath the elevators and was also greeted by his driver “Houston” and “his woman” who were talking to Jen and Lee!! YAY!! some real company tonight… I was excited and with the notice that Jen and I were wearing the exact dress but accessorized differently we all had a laugh and began the night.

Im not sure how it happened or if it was inevitable after quickly downing two champagne cocktails, my new favorite drink, but as i looked at Kasey entertain his “friends” and try to bring life to a party that was only secretly existent because of the “NEED” for one another instead of the “want” i took notes at Kasey’s posture when he talked of certain things, his hand movements and tonight my eyes seemed to focus on his DICK!! God i wanted his dick… Or did I? Did i just need Dick? all I know is saying the word DICK three times in my head was enough to make my panties moist and I asked Kasey if he would excuse himself with me to run upstairs to the room to help me get my cell phone (that I really did conveniently forget .)

“Sure babe.”

As we walked into the room and I watched as Kasey grabbed my phone from the bed to hand it to me, I instinctively felt myself become My ADDICT and like an AMERICAN WAREWOLF in PARIS I grabbed his body to pull it close to mine, while making out I tore off his pants and moved my underwear aside.

Poor Kasey looked as if i had molested him but enjoyed every second of going back down stairs to brag about the 10 min “Pound town” adventure  we shared. I can hear Both Lee and Jen echoing “POUND TOWN, POUND TOWN” and as i adjusted my dress and walked behind Kasey to quickly kiss him on the neck, I had allowed MY ADDICT to get the best of me and i felt satisfied and accomplished.

Neither him nor I minded and it was a good start to a night that was about to go down hill for me quickly…

As other “friends” came to meet us and we took over the bar area it was the funniest thing to see this guy who called himself TOM come over and make friends with each of us explaining

“You know what sucks about you?””ABOSULTELY NOTHING”

It was funny at first but when he tried to stick his finger up Lees butt and drank a couple cocktails on our bill, poor MySpace Tom was elected to leave by a unanimous vote… you would have thought Obama entered the room as 4 guys in suites came and escorted his drunk ass down the stairs

We had a good laugh and have been enjoying our new pickup line of letting someone know that absolutely nothing sucks about them…..lol

Ive never had Dom Perrion before but at least 7 bottles were cracked as a “Big DOG” rolled in.

BIG DOG was my new name for people who were BIG HITTERS or INVESTORS in “KASEYNATION”. I always knew one when they showed up because the good stuff was always ready to be popped and Kasey Sobered up for the first 30 min they showed up, which was just long enough for someone else to take over for Kasey and Keep the BIG DOG company while Kasey lost himself in the liquor.

This “Dog” was interesting and he and I seemed to share a few familiar glances thru the night, like we had known each other and as we made our way to Jet at the Mirage I watched as we were given a table only 1 hour before they closed. Who goes to a night club at 2 in the morning? KaseyNation does!!!! If I sound a little upset to you, it’s because at this point I have lost all attention from Kasey and even tho my dress was attracting every other male in the world,  Kasey paid more attention to his blackberry, cigarettes and cocktail.

I decided to take the night into my own hands and say “Screw it” as i left my group to exhale the anxiety that was building inside of me. I let the air hover over the hands waved high into the air to the beat of the bass that was making my panties do a little dance….. Jen came over later that night and i explained to her i was going home in the morning and could not allow myself to be treated in such a way considering i was in therapy for LOVE, DRUG and SEX addiction and I could feel my unhealthy addict side wanting to take over and take control.

I felt neglected and used. I don’t get it? I really don’t fucking get it? Your not paying me…. but every night you ask me to stay another and don’t ask for sex and don’t kiss me or hold me and I feel like I’ve been elected to be your expensive LOUIE or CHANEL bad that sits ever so perfect on your arm but is silent and still when it is no longer of use because we all know that once a purse is shown to friends… It has already lost most of its excitement value to have in the first place or at least for the money you spent.


Kasey WHY DO YOU WANT ME? Dont be afraid but im starting to allow you on the side of my brain that wants to be here for you and clean up after you and make sure your tucked away at nights. If i was getting paid or used for sex at least I could distance myself from you emotionally. Its harder when nothing makes sense except to think you like me and have no idea how to be a good boyfriend because your busy trying to :Take OVER THE WORLD