Tag Archives: Tools

Here and there

I only received text messages here and there from Kasey. To be honest I kinda just gave up mentally even though i knew my heart was still wondering what was going on with the guy.

I had the Valet guy I could call when i got lonely and I was starting to get more comfortable going out around my side of town and was making friends with all the cute bouncers at my local bar. They helped take away my urge to bother Kasey. I was also focusing on myself and getting healthier one day at a time. My skin was clearing up and my hunger had balanced itself. The times I had most trouble keeping my promise were the times I felt lonely and couldnt get a hold of Kasey,


(considering he was the reason I had quit) and when i realized my husband was only 15 min away but mentally and emotionally no where to be found.

Then out of the blue and on a day that I needed someone the most


I received his text


1:45am- Kasey

Another promise broken by Mr. Ali

I was starting to get used to it and decided it was really best to move on and not care about “KaseyNation” anymore and instead move forward with a man who saw what a “catch” I was. I am so sick and tired of men wanting women to chase them. My generation of men are lazy and women of my generation are the cause. We go chasing men and giving up our lives and flashing our skin to get a man’s attention and then wonder why he ended up with the ugly girl. Usually it’s because the ugly girl respects herself more and has less insecurities about not pleasing a man. I was no longer going to be the woman who chased her man, I had done it with my husband and it got me nowhere i wanted to be. I knew I was beautiful, smart, funny, sexually experienced and had one quality most women lacked, “my financial independence”. I guess I just couldnt understand why every morning at Aria Kasey would wake up and tell me I was Love Addicted to him and that i wanted to be his number one fan in “KaseyNation”. He also chuckled and told me I should just call him ALI cause he was “the best that ever lived.” All this stuff is fine and dandy but truth was, I was falling for him and it wasnt a joke anymore and I asked myself why a Man would say things like that to a woman he knew was a Love addict unless secretly deep down inside he was hoping I wanted to be in his fan club?

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