Tag Archives: War on Terrorism

Finally Leaving the Dream

This Blog is the last Blog to end the 12 day stay with Kasey at Aria.

I guess i could continue to recap a play by-play of what happened everyday with  Kasey as I stayed at Aria and began the beginning of our confusing companionship but honestly it just doesn’t help or explain the relationship that was building between the end of each long, but interesting and new day we had. I honestly knew he had made a friend out of me but didn’t really understand where any of this was going or at least doing to me, because honestly my divorce was still settling deep inside. I was having fun, Kasey’s way, which was exciting to have no control over…. until I really had no control

July 8th-

We got up and got dressed again, I was out of things to wear and was told we were going to meet “Big Dog” Garren for dinner and walk around RIO to watch our new friend Jennifer play Poker and so Kasey could keep up with World Series Information. Like a PC that needed an update we walked around RIO as Kasey took it “All IN”. I watched as he scanned the room and backed up info onto his internal hard drive for later plans of his domination over the Poker World. After he saw what he felt like was enough, we walked over to help Garren finish his dinner. I enjoyed watching Garren as he talked to Kasey, and internally had fun guessing what he was actually paying attention to. It looked as if he had no interest in anything that was said and instead was imagining the next girl he was about to “bang”. Sure enough he had made previous plans and two latina girls walked in as we were about to leave. One very voluptuous and the other small and looked to be new to Vegas and whatever drug she was on. I got a weird vibe right off the bat as they tried to humor me by talking about their escapades of the strip. I knew something wasnt right and wasnt expecting the company or would have worn something different.

In Vegas Beauty rules. Its like a way of showing status and those who have it are left alone and those who don’t are walked on. I knew I was transformer and had wished i had “Brought it” that night, cause then maybe the skinny Mexican chick wouldn’t have rudely tried to take Kasey home right in front of me. Let me explain. Layne, myself, Kasey, Garren, some white guy (don’t remember his name or importance), and the two girls decided to go to the top of RIO and do a little dancing. Kasey knew by now i loved to dance and I was familiar with the routine. I left the guys to talk and the girls to flaunt while i actually used the time to reflect and dance. Dancing is like breathing for me and without it I may not be here today. So there i am dancing away when i start to notice the girls getting pretty drunk. I rarely get drunk and starting to feel a loyalty to Kasey I made sure to stay sober so at least one of us knew what was going on and where the hotel room was. So here I am dancing when I start to notice the small latina girl getting closer and closer to Kasey. At first I could care less cause I don’t believe a girl would be that rude or stupid but I shouldnt have given her the benefit of the doubt. I also have no control over Kasey or who he wants to bring back to the room cause it wasnt mine to dictate and we had not established any rules, but like a female dog in mating season, who was about to watch another female take the one and only male in the yard, I became FURIOUS. I tried to calm myself down and speak to myself rationally… “Chanel, it doesn’t matter, Chanel she’s ugly, Chanel you’re not with him” but none of it matter. “Chanel, it matters your upset but now is not the place or the time while he’s with people of business, don’t fuck it up for him or make yourself look like a fool.” I repeated this in my head while watching her try to make out with him and whisper in his ear (I found out later she was asking Kasey to take a shower with her), I couldn’t take it anymore and was a little upset with the fact that Kasey wasnt doing too much to stop her but understood she had come with a “Big Dog”. I didn’t care anymore as I pushed her away from him and onto the couch across from him, I realized at that moment….  FUCK! I’M TOTALLY SPRUNG!

It was the last thing i wanted since I wasnt divorced yet and was enjoying my freedom as a Hot Young single chick. I mean, life wasnt that bad for me. I was beautiful, the perfect age of 25, had a car, an awesome Loft by the beach, and was making great money, all the while getting laid by who i wanted when i wanted and not getting bitched about it or feeling bad for it. But I fucked it all up & signed up silently for “KASEY NATION”.

Garren took his drunk ass friends home and I was told I was Ghetto by the white guy with no importance, all the while Kasey running after Layne trying to talk him out of driving home. Short story– Layne, Kasey and I ended up at Money plays, ate Tacos and called it a night. I laid there in bed that night watching him as he fell asleep. Im not sure what he thought of my actions but I kissed him gently on the forehead and passed out.

July 9th

THOMAS PAUL- One of the MIT black jack card Counters who the movie 21 was based on.

We had to meet him at the Nugget since he was black listed everywhere else. His demeanor was confident, yet missing a piece. Kasey had warned me he would hit on me but I was unaware of the obvious ways in which he would do it. All night long he continued to stare in my eyes, as if he was trying to build some connection with me or manipulate me into seeing what he wanted. Til this day im not sure what that was, he wanted me to see but what i saw, was another wealthy guy bored with life and use to manipulating his way into womens pants. He was also an addict and i was later to find out also went to the rehab “THE MEADOWS”

NOTE ON THE MEADOWS- So far everyone I have met who went there is still Fucked up, so do not waste your money on throwing tissues in the air, crying about your childhood for 3o,000.00 dollars. Instead, take that money and buy a personal body guard who will kick your ass every time your about to become “your addict”. After enough ass whippings and embarrassing moments, Im sure you will retrain your brain into being afraid of your addiction and big guys with shirts that say SECURITY! HA!

We all hung out for a bit and I allowed Kasey to catch up with Thomas. Because I stayed sober most nights I couldn’t help but start to be noisy and the relationship between Kasey and Thomas was not yet clear to me. Was he a friend? Was he a “BIG DOG”?

I wondered why Kasey allowed him to hit on me, when i myself couldn’t allow a poor Mexican chick the opportunity to shower…LOL

Houston dropped us off and we went to bed.

July 10th-

It was a nice change of pace to go to bed before sunrise and we woke up half rested once again to the banging of house keeping asking us if we were staying another night. I wasnt sure why Kasey felt the need to continue to pay for the room night by night instead of just telling them how long his stay would be but it wasnt my business and we continued to walk to the front desk every night to get the room re keyed and woke up every morning to the banging of house keeping knocking on our door.

I ordered room service and was starting to get use to my new name “MS THOMPSON” . Everyone was really nice to me and every morning I was asked and made sure I had everything I needed for myself & Mr Thompson. Im not sure if it’s because they liked me or because they liked the fact that i tipped 20.00 dollars on every bill but I didn’t care. Everything was room charge and I was signing Kasey’s name on all our receipts. Of course I would never order anything without Kasey’s permission, and he was aware of my signing, but I did leave out the fact i was tipping everyone 20 bucks. See, I noticed Kasey unlike me, had the opportunity to be a good tipper but he wasnt. At least he probably doubled the tax when he tipped and felt that was sufficient. Being a woman who lived off tips and not having a charity i contributed to, I felt i was doing my part in life by tipping well. See I figure if i tip someone well and they are able to buy school clothes for their kids, or fill their tank with gas to go to church or feed the homeless, or use it to fund a college tuition, then I am doing my part to help. I found it interesting that Kasey could lose 2000.00 dollars on a hand of poker but want to tip no more or less than he had to. So yeah, I tipped everyone well while signing Kasey’s name and hoped I wouldnt get an angry phone call from him when he finally took a look at all the receipts. Whatever it was that was keeping Aria very friendly with me, I enjoyed, and appreciated moments when they would stay in the room and have full conversations with me if Mr. Thompson wasnt around. I really had a good time one morning when Kasey had to play a game of Golf with a friend and I asked house keeping to come by and change all the sheets quickly before he came back. She took a look around and noticed how clean the rest of the place was and I explained that usually i cleaned it because I didnt want room service disturbing Kasey while he slept. I also knew he would come back from all his business meetings drunk, and would want to take a nap if he had to get up out of bed before noon. So she quickly helped me changed the sheets and the pillow cases because I had stained them orange from my self tanner, and was embarrassed for Kasey to notice. Sure enough she had left the room just in time for Kasey to come home and pass out… I also liked when they delivered my food and waited for me to take bites to ask me if everything was okay. To be honest, the food really started to SUCK, and I usually ordered a chocolate milkshake which couldnt be fucked up unless you forgot the ice cream..

So anyways I ordered breakfast and we were off to meet Thomas and more of Kasey’s friends at the VIP pool at the NUGGET. I get anxiety when im being stared at anywhere other than work and Thomas’s eyes as I took off my clothes to get into the pool had me ordering a couple of drinks to relax. Kasey was his usual self ignoring my existence, but i was intrigued when I noticed Brett (aka SilverFox =p), Kasey and Thomas talking about something that was important enough for Kasey to ask for privacy. After the guys returned from their “pow wow”, Kasey informed me that Snoop Dogg was performing for Poker Star Celebs at Rain in the Palms and we were going!!!!! I was stoked and meeting Thomas and his cute young, high maintenance, naive girlfriend, was interesting. I guess the part that was interesting was the way he hit on me in front of her the whole time during and after the concert, like it was a game and he wanted to see if i would play.

July something-

It was about Frickin Time. I finally Got Kasey all to myself. I never thought it would happen and didnt know what to make of it now that i had it. I almost think i wanted to go out, only because I didnt know Kasey any other way now. But i wouldnt not appreciate the moment and I took the time to take it “All In”. We laid in bed together and watched movies all night. I was hoping for a little sex, but sleeping on his chest, tucked away underneath his arm was good enough for me and I was scared to think that I was feeling something that Kasey was not. I had over heard him say he met some hot chick and has over stayed his welcome in Las Vegas, but I didnt know if that was Kasey the “entertainer” or Kasey the man i was asleep next to. I wished Kasey would open up more to me. I felt he was an endless dictionary when speaking business over the phone and an empty cookie jar, leaving me disappointed to finally stick my hand in, when we talked relationships. Either way i was here, falling asleep, holding him but thinking

“Chanel, get a GRIP, your grandmother is right, he will get bored and move on, this is stuff Fairy tales are made of, not Strippers in VIP rooms”

July the next day-

This was an awesome night and meeting FATAL1TY (only sponsored “gamer” in US)  and some nice guys who play for the KINGS was just another check off someone’s “bucketlist”, not particularly mine, but HEY, WHY the heck not?

I could continue this recap of all the hours of gambling Kasey did and all the lavish champagne i drank. I could tell you about the 14k dollar bill from the ARIA that Kasey received from our stay or about the way Kasey turned me on even when he wasnt trying and how gorgeous he looked in a pair of jeans and left over “bed head”. Its not important at this point cause what comes next is unexpected….

My grandmother’s surprise birthday party was two days away and I had told Kasey I could not miss that for the world. She was my heart and feed my soul. I was always told I was beautiful but was always complimented on my manors. That is all from my grandmother who always taught me, beauty fades and only your soul lives on. I invited Kasey to come but he didnt seem interested in meeting my family. I understood and took that as a “We’re just having fun” sign. I wanted to make sure Kasey understood how I felt and I also wanted to show him how to treat a lady, even if that lady wasnt me. It’s not that he did a bad job, it’s just I remembered him from the first night in the VIP room and he spilled a lot more to me then he probably remembered. One of those things; not being good in relationships. I understand, really I do. He grew up in a house where WEALTH meant SUCCESS. STATUS = SUCCESS. I grew up in a house where HEALTHY MARRIAGE meant SUCCESS, and HEALTHY LIFESTYLE = SUCCESS. So we both concentrated on different aspects of our life. I can see it now… I read books like MEN are from Mars and WOMEN are from Venus and Making MARRIAGE work in the 21st Century while Kasey opted for RICH DAD POOR DAD or something written by DONALD TRUMPH.

I didn’t want to leave without making some kind of mark in his fast pace life and thought it would be nice to do something romantic. He had been on a business phone meeting for hours and I was getting bored. I cleaned the room like usual and decided, with little money in my bank account, to do what i could. I picked up some TGIFs from the hotel at Gold Goast and stopped at CVS and picked up 4 candles that smelled like Vanilla on the way back to the room. While Kasey paced back and forth, blackberry to ear & cigarette with Budlight in hands, I rearranged the room.

I opened the curtains all the way (we had a great view of the pools), took the two seats that were facing towards the bed and moved them along side the window facing each other. Took the table and also put that against the window and centered it between the chairs. Lit the candles and placed two of them at the table while the other two around the room. Every time we ordered room service our tray came with a fresh vase of flowers and I always kept them for the day, and tonight they were perfect for the center of the table. Also room service gave those cute little salt and pepper shakers on our tray and i took those too and placed them at the center. Then I began to serve the TGIFs on plates and tried to fit the ice cream in the mini bar fridge (which i found out later costed Kasey a lot since it weighed down the monitor that kept track of what we drank….lol) . I can honestly say i was proud of myself, the room was transformed into an elegant dining experience, and the look on Kasey’s face was priceless. This was my last night, and i knew at that moment, he was impressed. I told him romance comes in several forms and it doesnt always have to cost a lot.

“See Kasey, when i ask you for a date or quality time, this is what im talking about”

“You mean we didn’t have to stay at the Aria?”

“Yes, we could have Stayed at Gold Coast or Motel6 and I would have been happy if you would have done something like this for me, But i will admit, the view wouldn’t have been the same…haha”

We both smiled and sat down. We ate and I finished it off with Red Velvet cake for dessert. TGIF has the best Red velvet and Kasey and I shared that flavor of choice. I sat by Kasey and I thought we would end the night with the good conversation we were having and I was praying for some sex… but it took a twist

THOMAS (the root of all evil) just couldn’t gamble alone and Kasey wanted to meet him at the poker tables. I agreed and told Kasey this was my last night and that i wanted to come back early to get some sleep. I didn’t have to leave the next day but I thought it would be the responsible thing to do. Kasey understood and said he wanted to spend some time with me and even promised me sex before leaving (by this time my lips were clear and my period was gone, and I was fucking hornier than hell) so to hear Kasey make a promise was like music to my ears.

(THIS would be the FIRST of many broken PROMISES)

cause later turned into hours and hours turned into a new day and after going off on Thomas for treating me like some prostitute that could just be traded off from man to man, Kasey not commenting as he heard me tell Thomas it was rude to hit on me in front of him, the asian SLUT of a HOST who was helping Kasey gamble and my VAGINA screaming for attention, I knew I had to make a decision.

“Thomas, stop hitting on me! I don’t want you, im with Kasey, you see that, why do you continue to try?”

“But I really like you and I know I can give you what you want, Kasey isnt giving you the attention you deserve”

it was that comment that set me off and I got up and told Kasey

“Kasey, you’ve lost thousands tonight, Im tired and you promised me the night would not end like this”

“30 more minutes babe, calm down, i promise i will go back up with you”

3o minutes passed and as my cell phone hit 4:45am, i got up and told Kasey

“I’m going to the room, If you’re not there by 5 o’clock I’m gone”

I thought for sure he would follow. Thomas looked at me as I left and as i starred away from the table he was playing at, my heart finally understood what it meant to be a GAMBLER. The poker tables no longer looked like four-legged pieces of wood with green and red felt, but like tall, slim super models that were only covered by a garment of green, and I was jealous. Like the Mexican chick at Rio I wanted to just push it all away. Take the table and throw it over, take Kasey by the hand, Slap Thomas in the face and run away.

I opened the door to our hotel room and began to cry. I cried aloud as tears fell from my chicks, down my chin, because deep down in my heart, no matter how bad I wanted it, wanted Kasey’s attention, a little piece of his heart, I knew i wouldnt get it. I knew Kasey was in his “Addict self” and I was no competition for the four-legged broad. My makeup smearing and the candles still lit from dinner I looked at the Las Vegas Strip in a new light. Vegas was about hopes,dreams, Glitz and Glam. It wasnt about falling in LOVE or serious relationships… It was about YOUTH, LUST and MONEY. By 5:25 I gave up, wiped the tears from my eyes and changed. I cleaned Kasey’s room one last time and wrote several little notes he would later find once his “HIGH” wore off. I took my bags and walked down to the poker tables and stood in front of Kasey. He didn’t even look up as he continued to roll the chips between his fingers and as I asked the table manager to hand Kasey back his room keys and tell him I said “GoodBYE”, I watched Kasey. Hoping he’d get up and stop me, hoping he wasnt truly this addicted, and being disappointed that I was stronger than he was, I left Aria and Kasey at the table and headed home

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God those horrible Tommy Bahama Shirts…


update at end of post

I swear its like night and day when Kasey changes from tailored clothes to lounging clothes.

The kid really does have a nice body under the poor choice of attire.

We finally laid low key for most of one day and it was nice getting to know Kasey without the bother of entertaining several people. I worried about his health though, his coughs were getting worse and I wasnt understanding why he wasnt worried, he needed to slow down. WE had been going so fast these last couple of days that it was nice to just meet the “BIG DOG” Garren and his choice of “woman” for the night.

I personally wouldn’t have chosen her but boy was she eating out of his palm and it was soo cute watching the act in person. I wanted to believe Kasey was the exact opposite of his friends but I had seen too much to think that he was completely innocent and his sexual appetite finally came through as we decided to compromise on a way we could both be happy while I was ending my period. I wasnt expecting a solution as such to come out of Kasey’s mouth but it did and from that point on, I figured he was either sexually deprived or sexually exhausted and needed to test new things for excitement. Either way, i was happy to get laid and be close on some level.

After steak is when trouble happened. I should have known the night would need some type of Drama and as Kasey and Robert W. kept there cool once again at Money Plays, trying to bet these poor old guys for drinks, acting as if they had no clue on how to play shuffle board, I realized Kasey was a HUSTLER

Like drugs in my system Kasey could not live with out the Hustle. Thats what he was born to do on many levels and it excited him to find challengers

He was even trying to get me in on it most nights by betting me how much food would cost or room service. How long it would take to get dressed and ready or who would be the first to call. I think he said his rehab cost him 30K dollars and if that is the case I recommend asking for some kind of a refund because Kasey was not cured or even recovered.


He was fooling those around him and fooling himself, into thinking he now knew how to control it by betting lower hands and sticking to smaller pots. I should have known trouble was around the corner and before we were suppose to go to bed, Kasey finds a poker table to his liking and throws 2k dollars on the table. I could only stay for a couple of hours until I gave up on trying to talk him into coming upstairs with me and so i went up alone and he decided to not arrive until 10:30am that morning.???? He had never done anything like that before and I just figured he was busy fucking the fat asian chick that felt the need to sit real close to him and start chit chat.

Fuck it”, i kept telling myself. “At least you got free room and board and met lots of cool people“…. but my insides were hurt at Kasey’s decisions to not come to bed with me… I never asked him for anything while I was here…every morning I made sure to have the towels restocked (Kasey will only use a towel once) and have toiletries sent up. I also had his breakfast of choice remembered by heart; eggs Benedict, toasted bagel with cream cheese, side of bacon ex crispy and three diet cokes were always awaiting his awakening. I cleaned every morning as he slept and did my best to not be a burden. What more did he want or could he ask for?????? It had been almost a week and now I was starting to run out of clothes and I knew it would happen but finally ran out of drugs….

I was withdrawing and needed to make a call. I know Kasey was disappointed in my decision to buy more but he didnt understand that i was going through a very tough and surreal time in my life with my divorce. Speaking of Divorce it was that morning that I got my Text message

Tim- Chanel, you will be receiving dissolution of marriage documents by the end of the month. Please sign them and turn them in…….

I couldn’t believe what i was reading. NO i didn’t want to be with him but i didnt think he would go straight to divorce before resolving legal separation. Why? who was he seeing? It didnt matter… I read Kasey the text and He did what any mature person should do, got up and actually hugged me and apologized for having to read that through text. I felt bad i wasnt in the hugging mood and had a hard time believing what was happening before me but it meant a lot to know that Kasey was there for me and could be mature about situations. I always wanted Tim to react to things in that manor but could never get him to see the forest thru the trees and instantly i craved lots of drugs.

I  didn’t ask Kasey to change any of his habits for me and just wanted us to understand and respect each others decisions. I think Kasey was shocked that I actually told him that I was going to do drugs until i was ready and promised him i would not allow him to see it or be around it and after purchasing my sac I went into the bathroom to numb the pain. I didnt want Kasey to look down on me and i know everyones thoughts, so many different things people think about the drug, because no one really hears about it, they just know COKE but coke made me paranoid and i could function normally on glass and needed to maintain my life.

I felt gross and ashamed, i wont lie and as Kasey gave me these puppy dog eyes, as I walked out of the bathroom, I promised him, I would make this my last sac to show him i can stop and I do have stong will power.

He said he didn’t believe that i could do it on my own which fueled my fire but this bet i was willing to wager on and couldn’t wait to win.



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